Segment your buyers in one click.

Then you can: Decrease CAC Increase CLV Increase ROAS Increase AOV Increase retention Increase loyalty Increase profitability

A first for Klaviyo users.

Simple, powerful, immediate insights.

No more guessing, brain melting, time-consuming or expensive analysis.
No more wondering if your copy and offer are on point and will convert.
No more wondering if you’re (re)targeting the right audiences.
No more wondering if you’re nurturing or churning buyers.
No more wondering if you’re wasting time and money.

Fortune 500 Segmentation

Your best customers in high-def

You’re right.  Klaviyo is already crushing it, but Segment Ninja adds the same segmentation and predictive modelling used by the Fortune 500.  That’s our super-power and it can be yours too.

It’s not just about conversions, it’s about conversions from the right customers who will buy again, become your brand disciples and tell others how much they love you.  Referrals = zero CAC.

Retired empty nesters have different needs, interests, values, brand preferences and buying triggers than urban hipsters.  Of course.  Segment Ninja identifies your unique customer segments and creates detailed personas with one click. This lets you personalize your communications, make them more relevant and convert more.  This leads to better retention and growth. 

Klaviyo does a great job helping you create VIP and other important customer segments, But are they the Pareto 20 that drive 80% of your revenue? Some may be, but not all.  More on that here.

Is my advertising targeting the right customers for growth? If you don’t know who your best customers are, you’re likely wasting up to 80% of your ad spend.  This is stifling growth and you’re burning through cash unnecessarily.  You can be acquiring more valuable customers at less spend. Segment Ninja helps solve for that. 

Pipe dream?  No it isn’t.  Re-read the previous point. When you know who your best customers are and target them more efficiently, your CAC goes down and ROAS goes through the roof.  You can spend less and get better results, or spend the same and exponentially scale growth. How fast is up to you.

You're in good company

Segment Ninja uses the same data science, predictive and segmentation models as the Fortune 500 to identify, understand, target and sell to their best customers more profitably.

In their words

You don’t have to spend more, just optimize what you’re already doing.
Agencies and merchants in our private beta are already seeing great value. And their feedback is helping shape how Segment Ninja will help you scale growth too. 

I'm working with a client on a more refined segmentation strategy for 2024, and the data we're getting from Segment Ninja is a BIG factor in how we're looking at our customers, so we're excited to keep using the platform!
Erik Tharp, Email Specialist
Flowium, Klaviyo Master Elite agency
We've just started using Segment Ninja and are gleaning incredible insights about our customers. We're also confirming or refuting what we thought we knew. No more guessing. Let’s see what we can do with this hot rod!
Sam Waters
Head of Retention, Alen
A major win for us is the ability to know our best customers better and focus marketing dollars on those most likely to convert. One click saved me brain-melting guesswork. We're going to reduce ad waste dramatically, improve ROAS and lower CAC.
Luke Maclauren
Nootka marine adventures

We know your pain.

I’m too busy to do better, even when better is so obvious.”

Do better with one click.