What if you could choose your customers?

How would that affect acquisition? CAC? CLV? ROAS? AOV? retention? loyalty? profit?

What would they look like?  How would you describe them?

Profitable growth starts with finding and getting to know your best customers

Hint: They're already in your database.

Here’s how we do it.

3 Steps. One Click.

1. Identify your disproportionately most profitable customer segments so you’re not wasting time and money on underperforming customers.

2.  Generate rich personas of your best buyer segments so you can create superior communications and offers that convert better.

3. Segment and acquire more of your best customers so you can scale faster and more profitably.

Drive profits using Fortune 500 Segmentation

No credit card required.

One click. No code. 30 second activation.

Segment 250M US consumers in one click.

Download samples*

Could the Smiths and Maci be among your best customers?


30-day engaged


The Smiths

VIP Segment



Highest AOV


*Sample segments.


You don’t have to spend more, just optimize what you’re already doing.
Agencies and merchants in our private beta are already seeing great value. And their feedback is helping shape how Segment Ninja will help you scale growth too. 

I'm working with a client on a more refined segmentation strategy for 2024, and the data we're getting from Segment Ninja is a BIG factor in how we're looking at our customers, so we're excited to keep using the platform!
Erik Tharp, Email Specialist
Flowium, Klaviyo Master Elite agency
We've just started using Segment Ninja and are gleaning incredible insights about our customers. We're also confirming or refuting what we thought we knew. No more guessing. Let’s see what we can do with this hot rod!
Sam Waters
Head of Retention, Alen
A major win for us is the ability to know our best customers better and focus marketing dollars on those most likely to convert. One click saved me brain-melting guesswork. We're going to reduce ad waste dramatically, improve ROAS and lower CAC.
Luke Maclauren
Nootka marine adventures

We know your pain.

I’m too busy to do better, even when better is so obvious.”

Do better with one click.